VHIR is a legally independent public sector institution and the largest of Catalan Institute of Health. VHIR promotes and develops the biomedical research, innovation and teaching at Vall d’Hebron University Hospital of Barcelona (HUVH), the leading hospital complex in Catalonia and one of the largest in Spain (with more than 1300 beds and 7000 employees). VHIR is part of Accredited Institute of Campus Vall d’Hebron Institute by the Spanish Institute of Health Carlos III (ISCIII). Since its creation in 1994, we have achieved leadership in biomedical research at hospitals in our country, and we want to be recognized in 2020 as an excellent and competitive European Institute leader in clinical and translational research linked to a university hospital. VHIR encompasses 58 research groups covering 10 longitudinal areas and 2 transversal areas; with a team of over 1,300 people, of which around 100 people in administration, giving technical and financial support, project management, communication (Fran García) and any assistance related to the research projects. VHIR’s Research and Innovation actions have a strong international component, with more than 65 ongoing international projects. This means the current participation in Programs such as FP7, H2020-SC1, H2020-NMBP, FET-OPEN, Erasmus+, MSCA-ITN, MSCA-RISE, IMI2, NIH, European Reference Networks or ERA-NET actions. Two of the major research areas of our institution (VHIR) are the group of Physiology and Pathophysiology of Digestive Tract (and the group of Psychiatry, Mental Health and Addictions ).These groups deal with basic and clinical research and clinical assistance to our reference population, involving specifically over 5.000 visits annually to patients suffering irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), anxiety, depression and other somatic comorbidities. Medical Faculty is devoted to provide best support to these patients. Both groups have important experience related to international and EU projects and collaborate and promote transversal research activities in our institution and myself and VHIR are well prepared to lead the European consortium and to carry out the specific administrative and scientific endeavours delineated in our proposal.